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Windows CE

OPL/CE for Windows CE

OPL/CE for Windows CE

version: 0.07a

OPL is a programming language, and I have trying to make it into Windows CE.
WindowsCE 2.0, 2.11 & Palm-size PC compatible
Support Colour Display.

RE: There will have two version, Interpreter version and Compiler version.


Interpreter version, which will be free for end-user, and which is only can run with source code.
Compiler version, which is a commercial software, and let developer compile source code to executable object

Current Progress


OPL/CE is include program editor, interpreter, import and export text file features.
Current supported OPL Command as followings,

  • support local variable, global variable
  • procedure calling
  • if....elseif/else....endif
  • numeric calculation,
  • while.....endwh,
  • gprint, print, at, gat, gline, gbox, gcircle, ggrey, gcolor, gfill, gpatt......
  • menu handling.

Current Progress

OPL/CE for Windows CE

version: 0.07a

OPL is a programming language, and I have trying to make it into Windows CE.
WindowsCE 2.0, 2.11 & Palm-size PC compatible
Support Colour Display.

RE: There will have two version, Interpreter version and Compiler version.


Interpreter version, which will be free for end-user, and which is only can run with source code.
Compiler version, which is a commercial software, and let developer compile source code to executable object


Current Progress

OPL/CE is include program editor, interpreter, import and export text file features.
Current supported OPL Command as followings,

  • support local variable, global variable
  • procedure calling
  • if....elseif/else....endif
  • numeric calculation,
  • while.....endwh,
  • gprint, print, at, gat, gline, gbox, gcircle, ggrey, gcolor, gfill, gpatt......
  • menu handling.

Screen Shots

19 Feb 1999
This is freeware, but I shall have absolutely no liability to any cause for using the software.
Download for Windows CE v2.1x
Download for Windows CE v2.0x
ppcDesk for Palmsized PC
Keypad for Windows CE gameboy emulators